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Permutation Group

Permutation of a set is a bijection function AAA\to A.

  • Every permutation is the product of swaps, even permutation is an even number of swaps

Permutation Group of a set AA: a set of permutations of AA forms a group with respect to the composition.

  • Every permutation of a finite set is a product of disjoint cycles or a cycle.
  • The order of a permutation of a finite set written in disjoint cycle form is the lcm of the lengths of the cycles.
  • Every permutation in Sn,n>1S_n, n > 1 is a product of 2-cycles


A cycle α=(a1a2ak)\alpha = (a_1a_2\cdots a_k) is a permutation satisfied:

  • {a1,,ak}\{a_1,\cdots, a_k\} is the support of cycle
  • α(ak)=a1,k\alpha(a^k) = a_1, k is the length of α\alpha
  • α(ai)=ai+1,1i<k\alpha(a_i) = a_{i+1}, 1 \le i < k
  • α(b)=b,b{a1,,ak}\alpha(b) = b, b\notin \{a_1,\cdots, a_k\}
  • 2-cycles (i,j)(i,j) called transposition
  • We say α\alpha is even if α\alpha is a product of even number of 2-cycles, odd otherwise

Cycle property

let α=(a1a2ak),β=(b1b2bk)\alpha = (a_1a_2\ldots a_k), \beta = (b_1b_2\ldots b_k)

  • two cycles α,β\alpha,\beta are disjoint (non-intersect supports)     αβ=βα\implies \alpha\beta = \beta\alpha
  • σασ1=(σ(a1)σ(a2)σ(ak))\sigma\alpha\sigma^{-1} = (\sigma(a_1)\sigma(a_2)\ldots\sigma(a_k))
    • e.g (412)(123)(45)(412)1=(243)(15)(412)(123)(45)(412)^{-1} = (243)(15) where (412):4124(412): 4\to1\to2\to4
  • A permutation is unique up to a permutation of cycles themselves or cyclic shifts of terms inside the cycles


Every permutation in Sn,n>1S_n, n > 1 is a product of 2-cycles.

  • ϵ=β1β2βk\epsilon = \beta_1\beta_2\ldots\beta_k is a product of 2-cycles     k\implies k is even


If a permutation α\alpha can be expressed as a product of an even(odd) number of 2-cycles, then every decomposition of α\alpha into a product of 2-cycles must have an even(odd) number of 2-cycles. i.e. α=β1β2βk=γ1γ2γl\alpha = \beta_1\beta_2\ldots\beta_k = \gamma_1\gamma_2\ldots\gamma_l, ll and kk are both even or both odd.


The set of even permutations in SnS_n forms a subgroup of SnS_n.